Shoutout from the State Organization

Greetings intrepid campus organizers,

...I'm stunned. Over the past 48 hours, you have allowed us to add an additional 72 campuses on top of our 47-campus program for No On Prop 8, bringing us up to 119 campuses statewide! A HUGE shout-out to all the folks who came on today and agreed to take on 2 campuses here, 3 campuses there--including the unparalleled Stanford team, which agreed to take on 29 campuses between the 42 of them. They'll be out from 11 pm to the wee hours of the morning tonight, doing a total blitzkrieg of previously untapped Northern CA schools...

Lilia Holland Tamm
NO on Prop 8, Equality For All
NO on Prop 4, Campaign For Teen Safety